What Is YOUR Story?

We sing that we have a “Blessed assurance,” but what does that mean? When you say/sing that “Jesus is mine,” how does that change your life…does it change your life?

We must consider the rest of this verse if we are to fully understand the value and importance of this assurance in Christ. You will sing that you are an heir of salvation and that you’ve been purchased of God. Have you been born of His Spirit and washed in His blood? If you have, and if you are walking with Christ, then you have blessed assurance.

But you have to realize it doesn’t stop there. As a matter of fact, Fanny J. Crosby realized there was more to this ‘blessed assurance.’ Notice the the importance found the next two verses; “Perfect submission…” Are you prepared to submit to the King of Kings? When you do then you realize that when Christ returns, the joy (rapture) of heaven will burst on our sight. And even in her blindness, Fanny J. Crosby wrote about ‘seeing’ Christ when He comes to take us home. Notice the reference to Matthew 24:31 as she writes, ‘…angels descending.’

So take note of the rest we find with the assurance we have in Christ. The third verse simply states in my Savior I am “happy and blessed.” And with this blessed assurance, we are watching and waiting for Christ to come and take us home. It amazes me how our author of this song used the eyes of her heart to ‘look above.’ It really is no surprise to me that Fanny J. Crosby wrote that this blessed assurance was her story and her song.

Still the question is for you and I to answer is simple. Will you have a heart of submission to Christ? Are you ‘lost in His love?’ Spend your life praising God and singing of His glory. Search for and find that perfect submission. When you do, then you can answer the question…What is Your Story?