Building a Canal…Feb. 8th

As a young boy I can remember singing the old song, “Low Bridge.” The words of the On the Erie Canal / Frederick Elmigerchorus are still fresh in my mind, “Low bridge, everybody down. Low bridge cause we’re coming to a town. Where you’ll always know your neighbor, you’ll always know your pal, if ya ever navigate the Erie Canal.” Written at the turn of the century this song describes the work of an old mule as she pulls lumber, coal, passengers and hay from Albany to Buffalo, New York. But some of our younger generation might ask the question, what is a canal? The simplest definition would be a man-made water highway for navigation and transportation. Nicaragua1

But what kind of ‘connection’ can we make between Christianity and a man-made canal? Sunday morning we’ll be listening to a report from Robert Taylor as he shares details from his recent mission trip to Nicaragua. From the wealth of Texas to the poverty of a third world country, we know there is more than just geography that separates our two cultures. Join us Sunday morning as we listen to the work being done to reach the lost in Nicaragua. In fact, let’s consider what goes into… Building a Canal.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, February 8, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” – 96

“You are beautiful beyond description…too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom, who can fathom the depth of Your love. You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty enthroned on high, and I stand in awe of You! Holy God to Whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!” We know this hymn and we’ve sung it time and again, but are we processing what we’re saying? Are we in awe of God’s power and majesty? Is He more than we can fathom or comprehend? He is awesome, but are we willing to stand in awe of Him?

“O Worship the King” – 144

Continuing our praise to God this morning, we’ll sing a traditional hymn of praise that dates back more than 175 years! You’ll want to take note of the third verse, “Frail children of dust, (that would be you and me) and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail. (We trust God because He will never let us down…but do we behave like we believe that?) Thy mercies, how tender, how firm to the end! (God cares, He’s tender, but He’ll also judge us…) Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer and Friend!”

“Hallelujah! What a Savior” – 337

Breaking this hymn into two parts, we’ll sing verses 1-4 before the Lord’s Supper, then after the fruit of the vine we’ll close with verse 5. Yes, Jesus died on the cross, but he didn’t stay in the tomb. He rose from the dead and… “When He comes, our glorious King, all His ransomed home to bring. Then anew this song we’ll sing, Hallelujah! What a Savior!”

“The Gospel is for All” – no book

How could we talk about taking the gospel to a lost and dying world and not sing this old spiritual song. The blessed gospel is for all and we have a great opportunity to build a canal and take the message to Nicaragua.

“Will You Not Tell it Today” – 628

A fitting invitation song as we ask each other, “If the name of the Savior is precious to you, if His care has been constant and tender and true, if the light of His presence has brightened your way…O will you not tell of your gladness today?” Though we won’t be singing all three verses, you’ll want to notice how the second and third verse end, before the chorus. “…O will you not, brother, the story repeat?” (verse 2) and “…O will you not tell them the cheer bringing word?” (verse 3). We have a great chance to help build a canal to the hungry children in Nicaragua, so when it comes to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ we ask each other, will you not tell it today?

“Lord Take Control” – 790

We’ll provide an opportunity to give to the work at Waterview as we pass the collection plate after the sermon (separate and apart from the Lord’s Supper). But this simple, contemporary hymn seems to sum it all up…“My heart, my mind, my body, my soul, I give to You (God) take control…” How will you give God control of your heart? Do you know what it will look like when God takes control of your mind? If we are truly going to be “a living sacrifice,” we need to do more than just sing about it…we need to hand in handchange the way we live.

“Hand in Hand with Jesus” – 397

One of those songs that seems to ‘sing itself,’ this spiritual song reminds us of our walk with Christ, hand in hand. No better way to build a canal than with the Master Builder. Let’s take His hand as we work together down the straight and narrow way.

“Into Our Hands the Gospel is Given” – no book

The closing song is a reminder of how quickly time flies. “Swiftly we’re turning life’s daily pages…” But not only are the hours ‘changing to years,’ but we need to think about how we’re using this time. Into OUR hands the gospel has been given…what are we doing with it? Are we wasting the years, or are we focused on sharing the gospel? We have a message to deliver, let’s transport the gospel by building a canal.

The Awesome Power of Negative Fellowship…Sept. 14th

An ‘oxymoron’ is a statement that places side by side two elements that seem to be in contradiction of each other. Words and ideals that just don’t seem to match. Phrases like a dark light, a mournful optimist, deafening silence, or jumbo shrimp are referred to as an oxymoron. Avoid Bad CompanyBut consider something awesome (inspiring and outstanding) as being negative…could we be talking about an oxymoron during Sunday morning’s lesson?

In I Corinthians chapter 15, as Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, he makes this statement; “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’ “ Quoting a Greek poet, Paul, by inspiration is telling Christians to be careful about our fellowship. Some individuals we associate with can have a negative influence on our life. So maybe you should ask yourself if the fellowship you are ‘enjoying’ is positive or negative. Are you concerned about “the awesome power of negative fellowship?”


“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, September 14, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” – 96

How do you view God? Is He awesome? Do you revere Him, bow before Him and serve Him? Or is He just someone on your check list? We sing this hymn simply stating, “You (God) are beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, like tree planted by the waterNOTHING ever seen or heard…” So how do you see God? Is He indescribable, beyond your comprehension? If so…do you stand in awe of Him?

“I Shall Not Be Moved” – 976

Follow the medley as we continue singing “I Stand in Awe”: “Holy God to Whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!” “Glory Hallelujah! I shall not be moved, anchored in Jehovah, I shall not be moved…” As we stand in awe of our God’s majesty and power, may we, like a tree planted by the waters, never be moved from our conviction.

“How Firm a Foundation” – 457

And as we finish the thought process from the first two songs in our medley we conclude “I Shall Not Be Moved”: “…just like a tree that’s planted by the water, I shall not be moved.” “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent word…” The music will flow, but more importantly let us follow the train of thought; I stand in awe of God’s power, and in that strong belief I shall not be moved. Because I have a firm foundation on which I stand.

“Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me” – 603

This morning, between our first two prayers, we’ll sing of our Savior’s guidance in this old maritime hymn. “Chart and compass came from Thee…” We have God’s word as our guide to direct us through this life. It will help us navigate the waters of friendship so we find the awesome power of a positive fellowship.

“My Jesus, I Love Thee” – 701

Before we partake of the Lord’s Supper we’ll focus on our Savior’s love. Verse two provides this thought, “I love Thee (Jesus), because (You) has first loved me, and purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree; I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; If ever I love Thee, my Jesus, (it is) now.”

“Create in Me a Clean Heart” – no book

A contemporary hymn that comes straight from the text, so maybe it’s a psalm? The words of King David in Psalm 51:10-12, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.” Is this your prayer? Do you desire a clean heart and a renewed, right, spirit? Do you fear being ‘cast away’ from God’s presence? Consider this; if our fellowship is surrounded by negative influences, we will be separated from His Spirit.

“Cleanse Me” – 420

This hymn isn’t too popular today, but during World War II this tune accompanied the words to “Now is the Hour” by Gracie Field. Today we sing this hymn using the words from Psalm 139. “Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts I pray. See if there be some wicked way in me; cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.” Am I being negatively influenced by those with whom I fellowship? Pray for God to guide your heart, your thoughts and your friendship!

“Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims” – 537

Before our lesson we’ll sing of our journey toward heaven. When was the last time you let the songs of the saints ‘cheer your journey?’ On a path that is dim, and with hills where the dark storms gather, we need a fellowship that is positive and God-focused. Let’s stay close to each other as we keep our ‘longing eyes’ on the smile of the blessed Giver.

“Jesus Is Tenderly Calling” – 947Standing on the Promises

If you have struggled in your fellowship choices and you have wandered from the sunshine of God’s love, it’s time to ‘come home.’ Not only is Jesus ‘tenderly calling,’ but He’s waiting too. But you’d best not delay…Jesus is calling today!

“Standing on the Promises” – 452

A popular spiritual song confirming ‘where we stand,’ who we fellowship with and to what we hold fast. But choosing the positive fellowship over the negative isn’t always easy. Remember, there is an awesome power in negative fellowship. You might say those influences can be strong, howling storms of doubt and fear. Fortunately, by the living word of God, as I stand on His promises, I shall prevail.

Die Empty…May 4th

What a helpless feeling as your car sputters to a stop, leaving you to look down and see the gas gauge on EMPTY. With nothing left, your gas tank is empty fuel gaugedried up. It’s one thing to accidentally ‘run out of gas,’ but it is something entirely different to purposely drain your tank. So the question is, who would do such a thing? Why would you empty your tank? Could this be something we aspire for…to die on empty?

Robert Taylor, associate minister with Waterview church of Christ, will bring our Sunday morning lesson. Let’s join him as we look at Christ’s life (and death) to see if we can understand why Jesus, would ’empty Himself.’ Philippians 2:5-8

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 4, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” 96

“You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom, who can awe childfathom the depth of Your love? You are beautiful beyond description, majesty enthroned above…And I stand in awe of You!” A beautiful, contemporary song (hymn) of praise. But I encourage you to do more than physically stand in awe of Him. In your life live so that others know He is awesome in power and might. Live so that nothing else compares to His majesty. Sing this song to God, but honor Him with your life.

“I Am Thine, O Lord” – 666

This hymn (we sing to the Lord) is one that dates back to 1875 as Fanny J. Crosby penned these timeless words. Notice the last phrase in the second verse; “…Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, and my will be lost in Thine.” How blessed would we be if our will was one with God’s will? The Christian knows it should be, but is it? Let Him ‘draw you nearer’ to His precious bleeding side…

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus” – 314

As we prepare our minds for this moment of remembering the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection let’s poetically (and gladly) take our stand beneath His cross. Notice the third verse, ‘Upon that cross of Jesus mine eye at times can see the very dying form of One who suffered there for me…’ As you look upon the cross, through tears of the heart, realize His death was for you. Now, will you confess His glorious love, and your own worthlessness? You can see more clearly from beneath the cross of Jesus.

“I Gave My Life for Thee” – 354

As we give back during the time of collection let’s sing about how He gave to us first. Each verse focuses on what Christ did for us. He gave His life; He left heaven’s glory; He suffered agony and He brings us the free gift of eternal life. What have you given for the cause of Christ? What have you abandoned to follow Him? Do you suffer for His name? Will you bring any gift to Christ? Just remember…He gave His life for thee!

“Poured Out Like Wine” – 655

Paul wrote to the church in Philippi and said, “…even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.” Philippians 2:17 This gives us the basis for this spiritual song. Paul was willing to be poured out (emptied). Will we do the same?

“Our God, He Is Alive” – 23

Before our lesson this morning we’ll sing an old favorite. But don’t be drawn into singing it by rote. This spiritual song calls us to praise our God with every voice. The men take the lead in the refrain while the ladies echo. Notice what the ladies sing “…From dust, our God created man…” God created Adam from dust, but the woman from Adam’s side. She sings about the man’s creation. Nice poetic touch. He is indeed, “the Great I Am!”

“All to Jesus I Surrender” – 662

Not under compulsion, but willingly do we sing this invitation song? “I surrender all!” Really? Can you sing that with a clear conscience? Do you (will you) give everything over to God? Whether this is poetic or if you truly aspire it personally, one day we will all bow at His feet and surrender to Him. Might as well strive for that now. “All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live…”

“Days of Elijah” – no bookdays of elijah...salvation comes

Will you sing, have you sung this contemporary, spiritual song? Notice the Biblical references that are woven throughout; “These are the days of Elijah…” as he stood up for God against the prophets of Baal. The days of Moses striving to restore God’s people to righteousness. The days of Ezekiel as God raised an army from dry bones and David as we rebuild our bodies (temples) to praise God. All the while we see trials, famine, darkness and the ‘sword.’ But take courage, salvation comes through Jesus. We sing Revelation 1:7 as we join in the chorus, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds…”

A Compelled or Committed Disciple?…Dec. 29th

mowing the lawnAs a young boy I remember my parents telling me, “You don’t have to do the chores, you get to.”  My opinion was not that I was being honored by the work, but I was being compelled to do it.  My dad’s opinion was just the opposite.  If I wanted the benefits of eating mom’s cooking and the privilege of sleeping in a warm bed, then I would show my commitment to the family.  I would get to do my chores.  We often see what lies before us as a ‘have to’ task.  But is that our focus in the church? 

Matthew, Mark and Luke all record a certain man who helped Jesus carry His cross, Simon of Cyrene.  But as you read the passage, he wasn’t a ‘put me in coach, I’m ready to play’ type of guy.  He was “…pressed into service to bear the cross.”  (Matthew 27:32)  Though we don’t know his heart, Simon was compelled to serve.  As a disciple of Christ, are you pressed into service or are you doing your task because you’re committed to the family? 

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, December 29, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” 96

A song to open our worship to God which calls upon us to proclaim our adoration to Him.  To not only say “Holy God”, but to stand in awe of Him.  We’ll stand physically, but how is your posture spiritual?  When the world sees you outside of Sunday morning, do you stand in awe of Him? 

“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” – 589

This old song will transition us from standing in awe of our Father to the realization that I can’t stand without Him.  And I’m not alone.  Each of us, when we’re truthful, know we must lean on His arms.  When we understand that (when we sing it), we’re in fellowship. holy holy holy

“Holy, Holy, Holy” – 47

This old hymn, sung to Him, echoes the scene from Revelation 4 as we sing around the throne of God.  ‘Holy, Holy, Holy!”  For our edification we’ll have the soprano sing the first verse and add each part as we sing each verse.  not to miss the message notice the third verse, “…tho (even though) the darkness hide Thee, Tho the eye of sinful man Thy glory can not see (even though sinful man can not see Your glory…only You are Holy).  Only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee, perfect in power, in love and purity.”

“Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone” – 319

As we consider the topic for this morning, and as we prepare our minds and hearts for the Lord’s Supper, we sing this about service.  Written over 300 years ago, this message calls believers to ‘take up the cross’ (Matt. 16) and serve!  Jesus carried the cross so we could see resurrection day.  Are we willing to “deny himself (ourselves), take up his (our) cross and follow Me” (Jesus)?

“Beneath the Cross” – 314

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand…”  Do you know what you’re singing?  What did you mean when you said I would “fain” take my stand beneath Jesus’ cross?  The poetry is saying, ‘I’m glad to stand up for the death of Jesus.’  What about, “O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet, O trysting place where heaven’s love and heaven’s justice meet.”  Trysting place…what is that mean?  By definition; an agreed upon place where two come together.  In this song, heaven’s love and heaven’s justice met at Calvary.

“I Want to Be a Worker” – no book

Before our lesson this morning it seems only fitting to sing about being a worker.  How we will work is our own, individual decision.  The verses give us some suggestions; “I want to be a worker (who will) love and trust His holy word…I want to be a worker every day…I want to be a worker strong and brave.”  The chorus is our proclamation, “I will work, I will pray in the vineyard of the Lord!”

“Where He Leads Me I Will Follow” – 876

Not under compulsion, but willingly do we sing this song, “Where He leads me I will follow…”  A simple song that indicates my life in Christ, my work in His kingdom, is not compelled but committed.

“To the Work, To the Work” – no book

We’ll conclude our together with a song that encourages us to get out there and get to work.  We’re not made to bear His cross and we don’t have to ‘do our chores’, but as ‘servants of God’, disciples of Christ, we must be committed!  The chorus is a beautiful echo of unity, “Toiling on, toiling on…let us hope, trust, watch, pray and labor till the Master comes.” Christ will return and we’ll either be serving because we had to, or because we wanted to.

The Green Peach Principle…August 11th

peach pieWith the summer sun beating down, a nice juicy Georgia peach would be a welcome refreshment.  Then again, a warm slice of peach pie would be just as good.  But why would the lesson on Sunday morning be focused on peaches…green peaches no less?

Sunday morning we’ll gather together and listen to a lesson presented by one of our own ministers, Robert Taylor.  But you might be wondering, what is the Green Peach Principle?  Maybe we should first ask…what is a green peach?  Join us as we explore God’s Word and consider,
‘The Green Peach Principle’.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, August 11, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Praise the Lord” -74

Pick up your bible and turn to the book of Psalms…we can read and sing the psalms of praise!  For those who are thorough and follow things closely, you’ll find that in the Faith & Praise Hymnal we have four (4) songs that begin with the words, “Praise the Lord”.  This hymn, written in 1796 by J. Kempthrone, quotes the 148th Psalm.  The musical arrangement of the chorus is strong as the women sing “Hallelujah” and the men echo with “Amen”.  But for further emphasis, the parts continue with men singing “Hallelujah” and the women echoing “Amen”.  Could this be one of those hymns we sing around the throne?  It certainly has the message…angel of God

“Ten Thousand Angels” – 349

The story of Christ’s crucifixion is sung in this old spiritual song written and arranged in the late 1950’s.  As you sing the verses you’ll notice references to scripture in Christ’s words as He hung on the cross.  But is 10,000 angels a Biblical concept?  Consider what Christ said in Matthew 26:53, “…do you think I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve (12) legions of angels?”  By historical accounting, a legion of Roman soldiers equated to 6,000 men.  Working the numbers you see Jesus was talking about more than 10,000 angels.  Maybe the song should sing, “He could have called 72,000 angels…”  But praise be to God, he didn’t!

“Ancient Words” – no book

This is one of our favorite contemporary songs here at Waterview.  Written in 2001, this song of encouragement is a rich reminder of the holy word of God, and the fact that it has been handed down from generation to generation.  The truth of the chorus must never be forgotten; “Ancient words, ever true, changing me and changing you…”  Your life will be changed by God’s word when you listen to the message of salvation.  But listening isn’t enough; verse two admonishes us with these words, “Holy words of our faith handed down to this age, came to us through sacrifice; O heed the faithful words of Christ…”  Listen to this song, but heed the faithful words.

“What is He Worth to Your Soul” – 321

A new song for many, but perhaps the message will support our lesson today.  As we sing during the passing of the collection plate, you’ll notice a very intentional message in this old spiritual song (read verse 2); “All that was His for the sinner He gave, pointed the path to the goal; sin would deprave (corrupt), but the Savior would save, what is He worth to your soul?”  A pretty simple question but how would you answer…what is Jesus worth to you?

“I Stand in Awe” – 96 & “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” – 648

The first song in this medley before our lesson was beautifully written over 25 years ago.  It calls for us to recognize God’s position as ‘too marvelous for words.’  Is Jesus really ‘too beautiful beyond description?’ Standing as we sing, let us lift our voices in awe to our God!  But we’ll continue singing and standing as we reflect on a song more than 150 years old. Though we physically stand for these songs, we must be willing to stand up for Jesus in a spiritual way.  As a sin-stained world rejects Jesus, will you stand for Him?  Maybe you’ll need to ask yourself again, what is He worth to me?

“What Shall it Be” – 944

Have you heard the warning, ‘Don’t have anything to do with him.’  Why would that admonition be given if not to warn?  Interestingly enough that’s exactly what the world says about Jesus.  But as we sing this invitation song we’ll ask the question, “What will you do with Jesus?”  This is a question we can’t ignore and refuse to answer.  As the chorus states, ‘neutral you cannot be…’  Your answer?turning to god

“Redeemed” – 458

A strong, spiritual song with a beautiful echo after each measure.  The ladies start with “Sweet is the song” and the men repeat.  But what is the sweet song, and why do we sing about having great joy?  Almost 100 years ago James Rowe wrote this spiritual song and simply stated what the Christian believes…“I am redeemed!”  Unfortunately, far too many sing the song of redemption, but fail to process the last line of the chorus; “All to Him I now resign…”  Without this complete resignation (giving up) of our worldly pleasures we don’t fully understand how much Jesus is worth, to our souls.

Weaving a Web…March 24th

This Sunday morning, March 24th, we will have a special guest speaker at Waterview church of Christ.  David Friesen is one of our missionary’s, and he works with david friesenthe congregation of God’s people in Camrose, Alberta, Canada.

How many people would you say it takes to strengthen the work in the mission field?  Will we ever understand the influence and impact our collective efforts have on evangelism?  David will share with us some of the work God is doing in Canada. Join us as he shows us the web of people who are woven together, helping spread the word of God.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 24, 2013

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” – 96

We’ll open our worship this morning with what many consider a ‘contemporary’ hymn of praise to God.  This beautiful song was written over 25 years ago and calls for us to recognize our God’s position as “too marvelous for words.”  Standing as we sing let us lift our voices in awe to our God!  “Holy God to whom all praise is due…”

“Doxology” – 66

A beautiful, traditional hymn (a song sung to HIM) that was penned in the early 1700’s.  But the music (Genevan Psalter) is even more antiquated as it dates back to the mid-1550’s…over 450 years ago.  Yet the value of this song is found in its simple, everlasting words; … “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”

“Hallelujah! What a Savior” – 337

“Man of Sorrows”, what a name to place on our Savior, and yet we find it in the scriptures (Isaiah 53:3); “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering…” As we turn our minds toward the Lord’s Supper this morning, don’t miss the message that rings throughout each verse.  1) He has come to reclaim ‘ruined sinners’…2) He took my place and ‘sealed my pardon’…3) We are guilty and vile (filthy), yet He was spotless…4) He was lifted up on a cross, but now He’s exalted on high…5) He’s coming back to take ‘His ransomed home’…No wonder we conclude this song with the title.  Hallelujah! What a Savior.

“I Am a Stranger Here” – 658

Most likely new to many though this song dates back to the early 1900’s.  But old or new, do we consider ourselves strangers in this land?  If we truly are God’s people, we are foreigners who serve as ambassadors for our King.  Our charge, to take His message throughout the land.  And as each verse in this spiritual song reaches it’s conclusion we sing; “…I’m here on business for my King.”

“Send the Light” – 650

This maritime hymn will serve as our song before the lesson.  It clearly reflects a Biblical reference of taking the message (the light) to those in need as it draws us to Acts, chapter 16, “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’.”  In verse 2 we sing, “We have heard the Macedonian call today: Send the light! Send the light! And a golden offering at the cross we lay: Send the light! Send the light!”  But have you thought why the song writer would mention an offering in the second part of this verse?  Perhaps it comes from Romans 15 when the scripture says, “…for Macedonia & Achaia were pleased to make a contribution to the poor…” A country calling for helping, then giving back to God’s people.

“Hark! The Gentle Voice” – 907

Hark, by definition is to say listen attentively.  We might say, “Quiet everyone, listen!”  In that contexts we sing, “Quiet, listen to the gentle voice of Jesus calling…”  Notice the end of the first and second verses; “…turn and listen, stay and hear.” and “…He (the Master holy) will teach if you will learn.”  This song of invitation is calling for us to answer the call of Christ and accept His rest.

“You Are My All in All” – 484treasure chest light

We would consider it foolish to give up on a vast treasure if it was right within our grasp.  Jesus is that treasure and yet we live in a world that foolishly walks away from Him.  How often do we take this precious treasure for granted…without thinking twice we tend to give up.  You and I know what Jesus means, He is our strength and our treasure…He is our All in All.

He’s Awesome!

What does it mean to say that something is ‘awesome’?  In the excitement of the moment, or with the thrill of an event it’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “That movie was awesome!”.  But how much attention or thought do we give to how and when we use this awe inspiring word.

By definition, we consider something to be awesome when that ‘something’ is inspiring awe or showing characteristic of awe.  OK…then what is ‘awe’?  Again, by definition, awe is ‘an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.’  For emphasis, I want to say that again; awe is ‘an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.’  If we say, ‘That car is awesome!’ are we truly saying that it evokes feels of reverence, admiration and fear?  It might be that we ‘just loved’ that movie (admiration), but do we really have reverence for a form of entertainment or fear for an inanimate object?  We toss “awesome” around almost like we abuse the term “love”.  (The Greek language could help us here; Eros, Philoe, Storgy and Agape)  But what really makes you awestruck?  What is it in your life that makes you sit back and say, ‘That’s awesome…”?

The word “awesome” is not used in the King James version, but it can be found several times in the NKJV as well as other translations.  Interestingly enough, all but one come from within the Old Testament.

Genesis 28:17…Jacob after his dream of the ladder going up into heaven, called the place awesome
Exodus 34:10…God telling about the covenant He was going to make with His people would be awesome
Deuteronomy 7:21 and 10:17…awesome God; & 21…awesome things God has done; 28:58…the name of God
Judges 13:6…angel of God, very awesome
2 Samuel 7:23…what God did for His people and the land
1 Chronicles 17:21…what God did for His people
Nehemiah 1:5, 4:14 and 9:32all refer to the great and awesome God
Job 10:16…show His power (awesome); 37:22…around God is awesome majesty
Psalm 45:4…teach You awesome things; 47:2…Lord is feared (awesome); 65:5…You answer us in awesome deeds; 66:3 & 5…His works and deeds are awesome; 68:35…Awesome God; 76:12…kings of the earth fear Him (have awe); 99:3…praise His great and awesome name; 106:22…God did awesome things; 111:9…Holy and awesome; 145:6…God’s awesome acts
Song of Solomon 6:4 & 10…awesome as an army with banners
Isaiah 28:21…extra ordinary work; 64:3…You did awesome things
Jeremiah 20:11…the Lord is like an (awesome) champion
Ezekiel 1:18 & 22…vision of the wheel of fire;
Daniel 2:31…image of the statue was awesome; 9:4…great and (awesome) God
Joel 2:31…great and (awesome) day of the Lord
Zephaniah 2:11…the Lord will be (awesome) to them
Acts 2:20…the great and (awesome) day of the Lord

Each of the proclamations noted above are directed to God or something God has done.  Our God IS an awesome God and He is deserving of all praise.  Daniel 9:4, “I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: ‘Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments…’. “

Next time, before you hand out that compliment of awe, remember there is only one deserving of our ‘overwhelming admiration’.  Each of us will take a stand for what we believe.  It might be openly standing for what’s right or quietly standing in reverence and awe.  This song should serve as a prayer we offer to God.  Nothing else is His equal; I stand in admiration, fear and reverence to Him.

You’ll go to the movies and enjoy the show, and yes, that brand new car is pretty impressive, but what do you really admire?  Is this world what you hold in reverence?  Do we bow in fear of how ‘awesome’ our life is?  My prayer is that we all come to see our God, and Him only, as AWESOME.

I Stand in Awe [LINK]

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depths of Your love
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty, enthroned above

And I stand, I stand in awe of You
I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of You!