Dreaming of Heaven

When was the last time you woke up and could remember your dream? Not the nightmare that shakes you awake or the dream that bring tears to your eyes. I’m talking about the dream that fills you peace and brings a smile to your face. Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes we wake up and can’t recall the events, but only a feeling or emotion from the nocturnal vision. Then there are other times when we wake and can recall every scene with vivid detail. Perhaps you’ve had this ‘dream’…or maybe you’ve sung about the vivid details of this vision of heaven!


From a distance I saw a huge crowd of people standing in Heaven around the throne of God. This vast assembly had been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and they were singing to God with an incredibly beautiful melody! As I listened to them singing, I heard their song, and I so wanted to join them. You could say that I tried to sing, but I couldn’t.

This vast ‘singing’ assembly were saints who had died under persecution. Some were killed by the sword and others had been burned at the stake, but all of them stood on the mount because they had died for truth and in the name of Jesus. And as they stood shouting victory and giving praise to “the Lamb,” they were bowing before…the GREAT I AM!

These saints, in the presence of God, were feasting (rejoicing) in His love. But perhaps what intrigued me the most was that this vision, this dream, was perpetual…it never ended. Rising before these saints were images of joy and complete happiness. These ‘scenes’ were always new, no reruns, no repeats… always new rising, over and over and over again in their presence as they sang before the throne of God.

Then, as if given special permission, I joined in the song of praise. This is the song I was singing to God…

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! God of Host on high adore!”

And as I sang, I thought, “How can someone like me be able to sing to the Lord of Host, the Great I Am, the Almighty King?” Still I continued,

“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! God of Host on high adore! Holy, Holy, Holy!”

This is just a story, maybe a dream, but you no doubt will recognize this ‘vision’ as one of our longtime favorite hymns, “On Zion’s Glorious Summit.” When we sing the songs from years gone by, we must stop and contemplate what we’re singing? We need to ‘see’ the songs we sing. Read the words to this song and come to appreciate the message, then you’ll be closer to understanding what you’re singing.

“I will sing with the spirit, I will sing with understanding…”
I Corinthian 14:15

Let’s Gather at the River!

When we read Revelation chapters 21 and 22, John is describing a vision of heaven as he spends his last days in exile on the island of Patmos.  From the beginning of this book to its close, we come to understand God’s desire for men to realize His promise of heaven and the assurance of Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.  Actually, the first three chapters are Christ’s words as He details the future of seven churches in Asia (a lesson for each of us to take to heart).  But as we read the first verse of chapter 22, the description of heaven includes, “…a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb.”

Many have tried to capture the image of heaven; as they draw a picture of the pearly gates and streets of gold (Revelation 21:21).  But in 1864 Robert Lowry, sweltering in the summer heat of New York, began to imagine and visualize the ‘cool, crystal river flowing by the throne of God.’  His inspiration brought him to write this classic hymn that many still sing today.  Notice the message of heaven as he writes:

“Shall we gather at the river, where bright angel feet have trod;
With it’s crystal tide forever flowing by the throne of God?”

This verse he penned comes as a question.  A call to those who sing as well as to those who hear, do you want to come to the river by God’s throne?  He continues with his encouragement as he writes about being with God in heaven.  The song continues…

“On the margin of the river, washing up it’s silver spray;
We will walk and worship ever all the happy, golden day.”

“Ere we reach the shining river, lay we every burden down;
Grace our spirits will deliver and provide a robe and crown.”

“Soon we’ll reach the shining river, soon our pilgrimage will cease;
Soon our happy hearts will quiver with the melody of peace.”

As we read/sing this poem describing heaven we harken back to the chorus (the refrain) which in essence answers the question from verse one.  With a unified voice, the congregation responses, “Yes we’ll gather at the river!  The beautiful, the beautiful river.  Gather with saints at the river that flows by the throne of God.”  Next time you sing this song I hope you will think about and anticipation the excitement we have to look forward to in heaven.

But there is more to my motivation for writing about this song than just remembering an old hymn from Robert Lowry.  As I write this article more than 1000 Christians from across the country are converging in on Red River, New Mexico for the 26th Annual RRFE (Red River Family Encampment).  A week dedicated to Bible study, wonderful Bible-based lessons, worship, singing and fellowship in the cool, Rocky Mountains of New Mexico.  This year it is my honor to lead singing for the encampment as well as teach three classes on understanding and appreciating congregational singing.  If you live somewhat close to Red River, New Mexico you might want to come on down this year.  But certainly you’ll want to mark your calendar for next summer, June 22-26, for RRFE.

Heaven will be more than we can imagine.  Whether the streets are pure gold and the twelve gates are made of pearl, I don’t know.  But this I know…it will be more beautiful and more fantastic than you and I can picture.  Words fall short of describing the elegance and majesty we’ll see when we meet around God’s throne.  Red River isn’t heaven, but the joy of being with fellow Christians, and sharing in hours of singing and praise to God is perhaps as close as we’ll get to heaven here on earth.  So next year, I hope you’ll join us and let’s, “Gather with the saints at the river…”