Add, Take Away & Turning…July 27th

speed limit signIn a society that depends upon rules and laws, how are we doing when it comes to obeying the ‘laws of the land?’ Most will say that’s not an issue, we obey and do what is expected. But consider our driving habits. We have a posted speed limit, but do we follow it or just consider it a recommendation? Some laws are steadfast and we obey without a second thought. But how often do we tend to add an opinion, take some liberties or simply turn away from the law?

Some may ignore the posted law and risk the consequences. But when it comes to God’s word, His laws, are we guilty of adding our opinions, taking liberties or turning away? When we depart from what God expects of us, we will suffer the penalty. The consequences of adding to God’s word, ignoring His laws or turning away from Him will mean more than just paying a fine. Every day we should ask ourselves, am I guilty of violating God’s laws?

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, July 27, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Surround Us, Lord” – no book

Though the city of Jerusalem is not encircled by a ring of peaks, the ancient writers considered this whole region to be ‘mountainous.’ And it would not be surprising to say, Jerusalem is in the midst of the mountains. So the Psalmist (Psalm 125:2) makes a point to say this great city is ‘surrounded’ by mountains, just like God’s people are surrounded by His presence.comforting those who grieve

“Tell Me the Story of Jesus” – 387

In three short verses this spiritual song covers Christ birth, ministry, death and resurrection. But perhaps the most telling portion of this song comes from the last part of the third verse, “Love in that story so tender, clearer than ever I see; stay, let me weep while you whisper, ‘Love paid the ransom for me.’…” Notice I’m speaking to the one who is telling me the story of Jesus. Saying to them; ‘don’t leave, stay here with me, and softly tell me how you were saved (ransomed) by the love of Jesus.’ The question for you and I…do we weep when we consider the story of Jesus?

“O Thou Fount of Every Blessing” – 226

Almost a direct quote from I Samuel, chapter 7 verse 12 (KJV), “Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Hitherto, hath the Lord helped us.’ “ We sing, ‘Here I raise my Ebenezer (my stone of help), hither by Thy help I’ve come…And verse three reminds us that we are all prone to wander (turn away) from God. Would that chains (fetters) bind our heart to Him, but it comes down to this simple fact; we have the choice of obeying or not. Speeding or driving the speed limit; adding to, taking away, or turning…

“I’ll Never Forsake My Lord” – 688

Not an overly familiar song, but one that exemplifies our lesson today. What causes us to stumble on life’s highway; temptations, distractions, sin, sickness, weakness, overall difficulties in life? Most would say ‘yes’ to all of the above; but this song gives us encouragement that regardless of the onslaught of the world, I’ll never add to, take away or turn to the right or to the left. I’ll never forsake my Lord…

“A Charge to Keep I Have” – 58

We all have a responsibility in this life. Whether we want to admit it or not, from the day we are born we were given a charge and, according to this spiritual song, the responsibility Christians have is two-fold; to glorify God and bring the lost to Jesus. But I wonder if we really believe the third verse…“Help me to watch and pray, and on THYSELF (not myself) rely. Assured if I MY (not Thy) trust (charge/responsibility) betray, I shall forever die.” There is a consequence if we add to, take away or turn from our responsibility.

“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” – 674no turning back

Perhaps not many song leaders would choose this song before the lesson, but I like the message sung at the close of each verse; “no turning back, no turning back.”

“In Heavenly Love Abiding” – 139

Again, perhaps not your most popular invitation song, but the message matches so well with the lesson. Consistency is God’s calling card, “…for nothing changes here.” We find support in staying true to God’s word as we sing the second verse; “Wherever He may guide me, no want shall turn me back; my Shepherd is beside me and nothing can I lack. His wisdom ever waketh (is made known to me), His sight is never dim; He knows the way He taketh, and I will walk with Him.” Will you?

“The Glory Land Way” – 535

Almost 100 years ago James Torbett wrote about heaven to encourage the singer to continue his walk ‘in the glory-land way.’ For those who have added to, taken away or turned aside from God’s Word, he encourages them, the wanderers, to ‘come home’ and ‘hasten to obey.’ Living a life that follows God’s commands WITHOUT EXCEPTION will be a life that is preparing for eternity with God. Never forsake His word, keep the charge you’ve been given and you’ll notice “…heaven is nearer and the way growth clearer…”

Mother Power…May 12th


Power is described in many ways.  Often we think of power coming from the strong and stout.  But it can also be found in some unexpected areas.  Someone once said, “Dynamite comes in small packages…”  This Sunday morning, May 12th, we’ll consider the ‘power’ found in mothers.


In mid-May, each year we set aside time to honor our mothers, shower them with gifts and tell them we love them.  This year will be no different.  But as we worship this coming Sunday morning, we’ll explore motherhood in another light.  We’ll honor our mothers, but worship our God.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 12, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We Shall Assemble” – 718

This call to worship is a song inspired by the pen of Twila Paris.  We’ll add a second verse which calls for us to consider the journey’s end.  “And at the ending of our journey, we will bow down on bended knee.  And with the angels up in heaven, we’ll sing a song of victory…”  With confidence we know the redeemed will sing to the King; “Glory and honor and dominion…”

“We Have Come into His House” – 296

This spiritual song comes as a follow up (medley) with “We Shall Assemble”.  Though the words may seem repetitive, as we sing we hear a strong case for worship.  Verse 2… “Let’s forget about ourselves and magnify His name and worship Him!”  The original words were changed from ‘Let’s forget about ourselves, concentrated on Him and worship Him…”  Don’t think we can go wrong with either one, as long as we will worship Him!

“Tell Me the Story of Jesus” – 387

Most have sung this old spiritual song their whole life (considering it was written in 1880).  As we ‘forget about ourselves’ we hear the singer pleading for you to tell of the cross Christ was hung.  And to tell of the grave were Christ was ‘buried’.  But in the same line we hear of the promise of His resurrection, “…tell how He liveth again.”  (We’re singing the gospel, the death, burial and resurrection.)  We’ll conclude the third verse as we sing the emotional plea to let me stay, and weep as the story teller whispers, “Love paid the ransom for me.”  Ask yourself this question, ‘Do I weep when I hear the story of Jesus?’

“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” – 226

“Here I raise my Ebeneezer, hither by Thy help I’ve come.”  Don’t be fooled, this isn’t a song about Ebeneezer Scrooge, this is a reference back to 1 Samuel when the sons of Israel defeated the Philistines.  This verse is almost a direct quote from 1 Samuel 7:12 (KJV) “…hither by Thy help I’ve come.”  But there’s more to this hymn, “O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be.  Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee…”  Have you thought about chaining your heart to God?  Let God’s goodness chain your heart to Him.  Why?  The answer comes in the next verse, “prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love…”

“Hear Me When I Call” – no book

Though not at all new, this song of comfort is a call for us to seek God in times of struggle.  How often have we wished someone would hear our call for help.  To hear our cry, our voice, our prayer.  Does God hear us and know how we feel?  Certainly He does, but still we ask that He will “hold my trembling hand, lest helpless I should fall…” I’m so thankful God hears me when I call…

365050.TIF“Faithful Love” – no book

As we sing this song before the lesson, we’ll sing of the faithfulness of God.  Our understanding of how His love is flowing down to make us whole and to save our souls.  Look around this world and you see the love of God.  He is faithful to us and we can see Him all around, if we’ll only take the initiative.  Do we realize that it is He who holds our hands when we can’t stand on our own?  His love is faithful!

“Nearer, Still Nearer” – 478

Perhaps not designed to be an invitation song, this hymn is sung as we desire to stay ‘close to (His) Thy heart…’  But you’ll notice the realization that as we come nearer to God, by design, we draw further away from sin and its folly (foolishness).  Are you willing to resign all of life’s pleasures, pomp and pride?  The call is for us to draw nearer…still nearer.

“Stand Up and Bless the Lord” – {to the tune of: “This is My Father’s World”}

A familiar tune to a song perhaps not as familiar.  This is one of those examples of using the meter to form a new song.  This song (found on page 192) is a call to glorify God.  So whatever tune you choose to sing it, you have to ask yourself the question… Am I willing to stand up and bless the Lord?