Are You ‘Teachable’?

How ‘teachable’ do you think you are?  Are you open to comments, questions or even constructive criticism?  We can never be what we were intended to be if we aren’t receptive to instruction.  After 15 years in formal, public education I learned that it’s not just about how willing and eager I am to teach, but how open the student will be.  We might be able to teach, but without an audience, our words fall on deaf ears.  But are you willing to sit and listen, to learn, from the word of God?  That takes time.  It takes patience and above all (ultimately), it take obedience.

Fathers…when you come together with the Lord’s church for worship are you willing to teach your children?  Do you sing and praise God WITH your family or is it an individual activity?  Perhaps your son isn’t willing to sit and sing; because they have already learned how important that really is in watching you.  You must realize that our children will learn just as much by watching what we do as they will listening to what we say.

Jane Lesson penned the following words, and though we might not sing this hymn as often as we should, the message still rings true today.  The teacher teaches the student for one basic reason.  It’s not for the money and it’s not for the fame.  We teach because we love.  A teacher who loves his student will give time and energy to bring them to a clearer understanding of the value within the message.  Our God loves us, teaches us and guides in life.  As His child (student) do we listen to Him; do we love Him?  We do love Him (We should love Him) because;  “We love Him, because He first loved us.” I John 4:19

Savior, teach me day by day, love’s sweet lesson to obey.
Sweeter lessons cannot be, loving Him Who first loved me.

With a child’s glad heart of love at Thy bidding may I move,
Prompt to serve and follow Thee, loving Him Who first loved me.

Teach me thus Thy steps to trace, strong to follow in Thy grace,
Learning how to love from Thee, loving Him Who first loved me.

Love in loving finds employ, in obedience all her joy;
Ever new that joy will be, loving Him Who first loved me.

Thus may I rejoice to show that I feel the love I owe;
Singing, till Thy face I see, of His love Who first loved me.