Convinced, Convicted, Converted…Feb. 22nd

It’s one thing to be convinced of something, but something totally different to be converted. Then again, how can I be converted without ever having  been convicted? When you consider the Christian walk, we understand this progression. But perhaps it was never more clearly established as it was on the Day of Pentecost as noted in Acts chapter 2.

After hearing Peter’s ‘sermon’ the crowd was convinced that, “…God (had) made Him both Lord and Christ (Messiah) – this repentanceJesus whom you (they) crucified.” Their response leads us to know that they were more than convinced, they were convicted; “Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Brethren, what shall we do?” Reading further we see how they are ‘converted.’ But maybe we need to dig deeper to see how convinced we are that Jesus is the Messiah. Looking at your life, ask the question; if I have been ‘converted,’ am I truly convicted? Does my behavior convince others that Jesus is Lord of my life?

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Feb. 22, 2014

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” – 538

Beginning our worship together, we’ll sing an old spiritual song to admonish each other and confirm our conviction. “My hope is built on Jesus blood and righteousness,”…and nothing less than that. What better way to communicate that hope than when we sing the third verse, “His oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood (trials of life). When all around (me) my soul gives way (I start to feel like I’m losing my hold on things), He then is all my hope and stay (security).” Are you convicted enough to say, “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand.”

“I Know Whom I Have Believed” – 524

Our contribution will come early this morning, and as we consider our ‘giving’ ask the simple question…why do I give? I don’t know why God’s wondrous grace was made know to me, and I don’t know how the Holy Spirit moves men to convict them of the sin in their life, and none of us have a clue when the Lord will return. But I do know the grace of Jesus is mine, the Holy Spirit lives in me and the Lord will return. We know and we give because He gave His Son to us. And convinced of this we give and we sing, “I know whom I have believed…”

Thomas said...“Thomas’ Song” – 269

When we lose a loved one, we often weep knowing we’ll never be able to walk with them, talk with them or hold their hand. We know the comfortable relationship we once shared is gone. We miss them and know things have changes. Maybe that’s what Thomas was thinking as we are singing, “If I could only hold your hand…” Though Christ died on the cross, we know, we are convinced, that He rose from the dead and lives today. We can walk with Him, talk with Him and hold His hand. And we can echo Thomas as he proclaimed, “You are my Lord and my God!”

“In His Presence” – 99

Following the Lord’s Supper we’ll sing, “In His presence, there is comfort. In His presence, there is peace…” Do you feel at peace with God? Are you convinced that He is everything He said He was? Do you have a conviction that moves you to self-sacrifice? Are you truly converted? Are you ‘covered’ with His presence?

“I Need Thee Every Hour” – 837

After the scripture reading, Acts 2:36, 37, we’ll sing an old hymn of comfort. Listen to the words from Acts 2, then sing the words of our hymn; “Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said…”what shall we do?” “I need Thee every hour, most Holy One…”

“O For a Faith that Will Not Shrink” – 540

With this song before our lesson, consider the flow of the songs; “O bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee…” “O for a faith that will not shrink, though pressed by every foe…” If you are convinced that Jesus is your source of salvation, and if you are convicted with a faith that ‘will not shrink,’ how well does your life demonstrate a converted heart?

“Nothing But the  Blood” – 902

“Oh precious is the flow…” but you might ask, ‘the flow of what?’ Our answer is found in scripture as we consider the words of the Hebrew writer. The blood of bulls and goats flowed from the altar as the priest offered sacrifices. But, “how much more will the blood of Christ…cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

“Blessed Assurance” – 480

If we are convinced, convicted and converted then we can truly sing with blessed assurance…Jesus IS mine. And a converted soul pours forth the joy of living in Christ, “This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long!”

Reading Your Own Future…Oct. 26th

What if you could tell the future? To know what’s coming up, would that be a good thing or would you be uncomfortable knowing there might be something not so pleasant just ahead of you? We take each day in stride because we trust in God’s providential power. But what if God Himself were to tell us what was coming? To know the future all we would need to do was read a message from Him. If the finger of God were to write you a note on the wall, would you read it?

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “I can read the writing on the wall.” We use that statement King say we can see what’s about to happen. Not in a supernatural way, but that we can ‘read’ the situation. However, there was one man who really did see the hand writing on the wall. But for King Belshazzar, the message wasn’t very good (read Daniel chapter 5). Come worship with us on Sunday morning and we’ll give you a glimpse into ‘reading your own future.’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, October 26, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Soldiers of Christ, Arise” – 647

What a great spiritual song of encouragement as we inspire one another to get up and get ready for battle. Not a war between political parties or individual ideologies, but a battle against the spirit of darkness (Ephesians 6). Notice verse 3 in this song and ask yourself, ‘Am I putting on the panoply of God?’ The FULL armor of God, not some of the armor, not most of the armor, but all the armor of God.

“In Moments Like These” – 239

Staying with the same musical key we’ll segue from “…You may overcome through Christ alone and stand entire at last.” …to… “In moments like these, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song to Jesus…” Being soldiers in the Lord’s army should give us excitement beyond compare. Why? Because we have a King who has already won the battle. He has given us a look into our own personal future.

“When My Love to Christ Grows Weak” – 350

How do you cope with struggles in life? When your faith is weak and your love for mankind, and for jesus in the gardenChrist, seems to be wavering where do you turn? This song will remind us of His suffering and will perhaps strengthen our own resolve. “When my love to Christ grows weak, when for deeper faith I seek, then in thought I go to Thee (Jesus, to the…) Garden of Gethsemane!” In the garden, poetically, “I walk amid the shades, while the lingering twilight fades.” If you were there with Him in the garden, you would “see this suffering, friendless One, weeping, praying there alone.” So for those of us who struggle in our love for mankind, and desire a stronger faith, perhaps we should go again (poetically) to the “Hill of Calvary…to the scenes of fear and woe.” Because, “there (we will) behold His agony as He suffered on the bitter tree.” After taking this journey in our mind, we will be ready to turn back again to our lives having learned the worth of pain and the power that comes in a full self-sacrifice.

“Sweet Adoration” – 253

A contemporary song we’ll sing during the passing of the collection plate that speaks of our adoration to God. Sweet adoration, glory, praise and devotion are what we should be giving to our God. During the ‘contribution’ we give our money…but how much of our life are we contributing to God? Let’s give Him our all so we can say, it is ‘the Divine One who reigns in our hearts.’

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” – 538

We might not know the future events that will take place, but we do know what the future holds for God’s people. And knowing that we are His and He is victorious we have hope. Knowing that if we keep our hope (trust) in Christ and are ‘dressed in His righteousness alone,’ we’ll stand before His throne…faultless. Thanks be to God, we can read that handwriting on the wall.

“One Step at a Time” – no book

An older hymn written in the late 1800’s, we ask for Christ to walk with us one step at a time. In a world filled with terror and troubles, sickness and sin, we hold closest to the One who holds our future. That’s why we sing for patience in this first verse; “One step at a time, dear Savior: I can not take anymore, the flesh is so weak and hopeless, I know not what is before…” Though we know the outcome of this life, the promise that heaven’s mansions will appear, each day is still lived in uncertainty. Therefore we close our worship services with the following assurance…

“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” – 463

“I don’t know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day…I don’t worry o’er the future, for I know what Jesus said, (Matthew 6:25-34) and today I’ll walk beside Him, for He knows what is ahead. Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.” King Belshazzar was reading his future as the finger of God wrote it out on a plaster wall. And it wasn’t until Daniel told him the meaning that He knew what it said. Today, spend some time…Reading Your Own Future!

The Danger of Drifting…July 21st

anchorWithout an anchor, a boat will drift and the stability of it’s location is lost.  We drop anchor to secure us and keep us from drifting away.  Scripture is rich in comparing our souls to a vessel and our anchor to Christ.  The Hebrew writer explains, ‘This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil…’ (6:19)

But what’s the ‘big deal’ with drifting and why should we be concerned about losing our position?  Is there peril in falling away?  Consider how helpless you feel when you sink beneath the waves, not able to touch bottom and realizing all hope is being covered in breathlessness.  That happens the minute we start to drift.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, July 21, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Oh, Praise the Lord” 282

From the pen of the Psalmist, this ‘hymn’ is a direct praise to our God (logically, it could call it a psalm as well).  Can you see the passion in this song of praise!  “O praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise Him all ye people, for His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the truth of the Lord endureth forever…praise ye the Lord!”

“Marvelous Things” – 209

A contemporary, spiritual song with a strong, 4-part harmony.  The soprano’s open with eight, simple words; ‘He has done marvelous things.  Praise the Lord.’  Each part joins in succession (alto, tenor, bass) with the same message; ‘marvelous things…’  Considering what God has done it makes sense we’d conclude with the acclamation,  ‘Praise the Lord!’

“Christ We Do All Adore Thee” – 186

As we prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper, we’ll sing this hymn as we honor and praise our God.  “Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever…”  Some might wonder how we could sing this song in preparing our minds for this memorial supper, but notice the second line, “…for on the holy cross hast Thou the world from sin redeemed…”  How much more do we need to remind ourselves of His sacrifice?  Christ, we DO all adore Thee!


“Sun of My Soul” – 806
“Jesus, Lover of My Soul” – 807
“Abide with Me” – 808

This medley is prearranged in the hymnal Faith & Praise, edited by Alton Howard.  Consider the message; in a lost (drifting) and dark world, where do you go to find light and stability?  In this physical world we have a sun shining in our sky, but in the spiritual realm, what is our source illumination?  The ‘sun for our soul’ is our Savior!  And our Savior, as the storms of life threaten and the waters roll, He cares for us and loves us.  So it only makes sense that we would cry out, “Abide with me, fast falls the eventide…(the end of life)”  The message for the Christian is clear, without our God we have no hope.  No comfort in this earth or even in earthly friends.  Jesus Christ is our help when we are helpless, He is the ‘lover’ of our souls and He shines as the sun of our souls!

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” – 538standing on the rock

Do you have an opinion, what do you think?  Where do you stand?  Are you solid about your position or are you able to be swayed?  Questions like these are used to establish one’s belief.  Where is your ‘stand’ when it comes to the hope that is within you? (I Peter 3:15)  As for me, my hope is built on the blood of Jesus Christ… and on nothing less! On Christ, the solid Rock I stand!  How about you?

“We Have an Anchor” – 467

Before the lesson this morning the congregation will sing to one another with this old, post-Civil War, spiritual song from Priscilla Owens (1874).  Take note of the question and answer we sing to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?  As the winds begin to howl and the waves behind to roll we ask the question, will your anchor drift or firm remain?  Singing to one another we answer from scripture (Hebrews 6:19), “We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll, fastened to the Rock (Jesus Christ) which cannot move, grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.”

“Behold a Stranger at the Door” – 919

Our invitation song calls our attention to Jesus and how we treat Him.  Jesus came to ‘seek and save that which was lost’ Luke 19:10, but how do we treat Him as He comes to the door of our heart?  He gently knocks, and for some, this isn’t the first time.  For many He still waits to enter into the heart, but how is He treated?  Received or rejected?  Accepted or ignored?  Joseph Grigg’s wrote, “…you treat no other friend so ill.”  Receive your friends with open arms, but consider how you’ll treat the Son of God on a daily of grace

“Heaven Came Down” – 517

As this morning’s worship service comes to a close we’ll sing this spiritual song about living a Christian life.  A beautiful message but notice the second verse; “Born of the Spirit with life from above into God’s family divine. Justified fully through Calvary’s love, O what a standing is mine! (Where DO you stand?) And the transaction so quickly was made, when as a sinner I came.  Took of the offer of grace He did proffer, He saved me!  O praise His dear name…”  To proffer is to give a gift expecting an answer, either accept it or not.  He has given us hope for eternal life.  What will you do with is offer?  Just keep in mind, when we accept God’s gift of love, we have an anchor to keep our soul from drifting.