Pass Me Not…

Looking at the second in this series of articles to highlight some of Fanny J. Crosby’s songs, let’s consider the words of one of her songs from 1868. Just 3 years after the pain of the American Civil War, she was encouraged to write this hymn as the result of a visit to a prison. It was in the spring of ’68 and William H. Doane recorded the following: “After she (Fanny J. Crosby) had spoken, and some of her hymns had been sung, she heard one of the prisoners cry out in a pleading voice, ‘Good Lord, do not pass me by!’.” The song finds it’s Biblical basis as we read of Christ passing by the blind me in Matthew 20:29-34. “Two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried out, ‘Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David.’…”
An additional reference can be seen in the second verse of this song as we read Mark 9:24. Jesus and His disciples are speaking with a man concerning his son’s illness. The boy was possessed by a spirit, vs 17, and the disciples had not been able to cast the spirit out. In speaking to Jesus the man said, “…if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” Jesus response to the father’s plea was in the form of a question as he asked, “If You can?” All things are possible to him who believes.” In this statement Jesus offers hope to all mankind. And, like the troubled father, when we’re honest with ourselves we will admit our own short comings. In reply the father says what Fanny J. Crosby wrote and what we come to sing… “I do believe, help my unbelief…”
Would that we all have a heart that cries; “Savior, Savior! Hear my humble cry…”
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior…
Pass me not, O gentle Savior, hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry,
While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
Let me at Thy throne of mercy find a sweet relief;
Kneeling there in deep contrition, help my unbelief.
Trusting only in Thy merit, would I seek Thy face;
Heal my wounded, broken spirit, save me by Thy grace.
Thou the spring of all my comfort, more than life to me,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee, Whom in Heav’n but Thee.

A Contact with Thirteen Cents, Pt 2

A contract that reads: $_____.13

Could this really be how God might work in our life today? Does He answer our prayers in ways that “WOW!” us or in ways that we cannot see, or maybe both? If you read last weeks article, you began the story from Dottie Rambo and her career as a gospel music writer/singer. Let’s conclude with the ‘rest of the story’ from Dottie Rambo, and I hope you’ll take time to consider and remember all that God has done in your life. Dottie’s personal account of this narrative continues…

“When we arrived (in Nashville to meet with Pop Benson) we began to look over the contract, I was dying to find out the amount. I said, ‘Let me look at it.’ Mr. Benson looked over his glasses and said, ‘Well, Dot, my girl, this is the best I can do.’ I really wasn’t interested in anything except the thirteen cents. When I looked at the amount, it read so many dollars and thirteen cents! When I saw that I said, ‘Give me a pencil.’ There was a mild protest, ‘Wait a minute, we haven’t read it that well. We don’t know that much about it.’ I said, ‘We don’t need to know anything else. We’re just supposed to sign it.’ So we signed it.”

“We got into our car and began pulling away from the curb. All of a sudden, I began talking quietly to the Lord. I said, ‘Lord, I appreciate You doing this for me. I know You must have done a million things like this that I didn’t know about or don’t remember, and haven’t thank You for, but You know me – I’m human and I forget. But when You do good things, just roll back the curtain and remind me of them and I’ll thank You for them!’ “

“When that happened the melody in my heart started rolling and I started weeping. I was asked, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ I said, “Nothing, I’m just rejoicing. I’m writing a song.’ During those one hundred miles home, without an instrument, I wrote, ‘Remind Me, Dear Lord.’ “

Whether God gave Dottie Rambo a ‘sign’ or if it was just a coincidence, no one can argue the fact her first contract ended with thirteen cents. And personally, I’m glad it did. For without it, we might not have this song to remind us that the things we love and hold dear to our hearts are just borrowed, they’re not ours at all. And whether you’ve sung this song before or not, Dottie reminds us that there is nothing good that we have done to deserve God’s Son. We’re not worthy of the scars in His hands. Today let me encourage you to take some time and just talk with God. Tell Him your plans, your wishes and then may…ask Him for thirteen cents!

Dear Almost Persuaded

Dear Almost Persuaded,

You have a lot of reasons to stay where you are. It’s comfortable, ‘safe’, and you’re not hurting anyone else. You don’t steal, kill or do drugs. You may watch a few “R-rated” movies now and then and if someone wants to judge you for smoking a cigarette once in a while just to let off a little stress, who are they to compare themselves to you? The bible says to not judge, so what should you care what other people think? You may tell a little white lie every once in awhile and may occasionally ‘accidentally’ slip on a cuss word, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to hell, right? Maybe you ‘believe’ that there is a God, but aren’t convinced that there is one. Or, maybe you are sure that there is a God, but you’re not sure that it should it scare you.

Is that you?

If that is you, and you believe in the bible, then yes, it should scare you. If that’s not you, then the answer is still yes, it should still scare you. Why? “But the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars—their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8. We relax biblical standards to make ourselves feel more comfortable about the sin we are surrounded by, but when we do, we taking ourselves further away from the God we claim to serve and the family of believers we gather with as a body 3 times a week to praise our God.

Do you ever find yourself trying to decide if getting up early enough to make it to bible class is really that important and that making it to worship will be, ‘okay, just this once…’? Sure, that verse doesn’t say anything or reference specifically about skipping church, watching R rated movies, cussing, or smoking cigarettes, but 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 does. “Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.”

Your body isn’t even yours, so what you put into it is of utmost importance! Why? How about this. How would you like it, if you had loaned a friend some of your favorite clothes and they were returned to you dirty, ripped and unwearable? Or you let someone you trust drive your car to the grocery store only to find out that they totaled it before they even got there? My point being, what you have, is not yours. Everything you have, has been given to you (blessed to you) by God. He saw you fit enough to care for the body you have, the possessions you own, and the precious soul He gifted to you. The Psalmist writes in 144th psalm starting in verse 15, “Happy are the people with such blessings. Happy are the people whose God is Yahweh.”. In our obedience to the standard that God has set forth for us in His word, we will honor him, and how blessed, happy and content will we be as His people.

Find peace in knowing that, as sinners, the closer we strive to be to the authority of our loving God, the closer we will be to becoming the redeemed children He has called us to be. (1st John 3:2-3;10)


A Fellow Sinner

“…In the Light of His Word.”

How often do we focus on the unbearable heat of the sun (that we dread encountering… especially in the summer time) as opposed to its soft, soothing warmth? As I was driving to class one morning, I got a bit of a chill and then happened to drive past a portion of sunshine that had broken through the trees and immediately I felt its warmth. This feeling, which to me is an indescribable feeling, brings a sense of comfort and ease, and in that moment, I felt peaceful. If you take a moment to think about it, are you at peace? Are you focused on what is happening within the ‘darkness’ of our current events, or are you focused on a more positive ‘light’? Just by watching and observing the people around me and even tuning into the focusnews for 5 minutes, I can tell that our focus has been diverted. Our comfort, has been ‘disrupted’. I would also go so far as to say, that our way or pattern of how we do things has been absolutely shredded to pieces. All because our main goal has been lost (in the eyes of the Almighty God) in the minutest and most miniscule of things. Feelings have been hurt and many are taking those actions performed by others, personally. How long has it been since you felt at peace? Peace, comfort, and ease are things that are very much lacking within our country right now.

So, I’ll ask this. Where is YOUR focus? Has it been diverted, upon hearing all about the lack of trust and ease within the government and among people around you? As unsettling as it is, do not let the overwhelmingly (and at times unbearable) place that we often find ourselves in, affect how we trust God. Will you focus on the dreaded and unbearable ‘heat’ that is being demonstrated so prevalently today, or will you be the gentle and soothing ‘warmth’ (example) of the trust and peace we can find in God? Re-direct your focus to God and you’ll find it is muchIMG_2363 easier to walk, “in the light of His word…”. You are the light of the world.” Matt. 5:14

“When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word; what a glory He sheds on our way. While we do His good will, He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.”

A big thank you to my dad, Myron Bruce, for giving me the opportunity to write for his website!

How Can I Know There Is a God? … June 4th

There is a question that has been asked for generations, from young and old, ‘How do you know? You say this is the way it goes, but howquestion mark do you know?’ Some will tell you that the answer to the question is this…but how do they know? Even the jury needs to know for sure before coming down with a verdict. As a Christian, you have been told that there is a God. Still some may ask, “How do you know?”

The Christian stands tall on faith that what the Bible says is true. God is alive and Jesus loves me because…‘the Bible tells me so!’ But is there anything concrete I can share with my unbelieving friends? Can I give them something outside of God’s inspired word that confirms my belief that God is real? This coming Sunday morning at Faith Village church of Christ in Wichita Falls, come join us as we look at the question… “How Can I Know There Is a God?”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, June 4, 2017

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“All the Way My Savior Leads Me” – no book

Where are you going in life? Is there an ‘end game’ to your daily activities? As God’s children we know that He directs our path (Proverbs 3:6) and we follow Him by faith. Thus we sing, “All the way my Savior leads me, O the fullness of His love. Perfect rest to me is promised in my Father’s house above.” Maybe we should all ask ourselves, who is leading me and were exactly am I going?

following Christ“Step By Step” – 15

Following our opening song, “Jesus lead me all the way,” we reaffirm that we will follow Him, step by step. But not just follow Him. We will seek Him in the morning and we will learn to walk in His ways…all the way He leads us.

“Redeemed” – 458

When you know that there is a God and you are His child, it’s easy, and sweet, to sing this next song. “I’m redeemed! By love divine, Glory, glory, Christ is mine, Christ is mine.” When we believe, obey and follow God we will have a ‘sweet song’ (verse 1) and experience great joy (verse 2)!

“O Listen to the Wondrous Story” – 496

Though perhaps not known as a ‘song before the Lord’s supper,’ the chorus supports our claim that we can have assurance and know there is a God. With a short Q&A, we ask, “Who saved us from eternal loss?” Answer, “Who (else) but God’s Son upon the cross?” Question, “Why, what did He do?” Answer, “He died for you!” Question, “Where is He now?” Answer, this is good… “Believe it thou (you), in heaven interceding!” (Read Romans 8:34, “Christ Jesus is He who died, yes rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.”)

“I Believe in the One They Call Jesus” – 356

How can we say we know for sure that God is real? Perhaps we follow the words from Romans 4:18 as Abraham’s faith was being discussed, “In hope against hope he believed…” That’s why, within this one song, we sing the word ‘believe’ eight times, in verse one alone. And before it’s all said and done, we’ll sing that we believe in Jesus, in His power, His authority, His life and His death a total of 22 times. So then you must decide if you’ll sing the last line of the chorus, “And I believe that He’s the answer for me.”

“Our God, He Is Alive” – 23

Written less than 50 years ago, this spiritual song has become one of the most popular hymns within churches of Christ. And perhaps there is no song more fitting as we consider our lesson today than the song with this title, Our God, He Is Alive! But look closely at verse three. Often skipped over and misunderstood by many, this verse reminds us that God is not only in control, He is in charge. He holds in His hand the secret of life, and though men may search for the answer, they will never find it. Why, because only God understands!

“I Know Whom I Have Believed” – 524

We have lots of questions in life. Even with this invitation song we find 5 questions we might ask. From God’s grace and His love, how the Holy Spirit ‘moves,’ what my future holds and when Christ will return. But even with these ‘queries,’ we sing with confidence…“I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him (my life in Christ) against that day.” (See II Timothy 1:12, “…for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him UNTIL that day.”…I believe that!)

“Blue Skies and Rainbows” – no book

Some say this is a campfire song…maybe, but notice the last two verses and how they support our message today. “Green grass and flowers all blooming in spring time…are works of the Master I live for each day…” and, “Tall mountains, green valleys, the beauty that surrounds me, all of this makes me aware of the One who made it all.” Look around you and you’ll see God’s hand. Then you’ll sing, “I know that Jesus is well and alive today!”

A Time of Transitions

In the summer of 2002 more than 30 high school freshman and sophomores along with several adult sponsors from Texas came to Colorado to conduct a Vacation Bible School. Though we didn’t know it at the time, that was the beginning of a relationship that would last for the rest of our lives. When the group came back the following year, the summer of 2003, they helped our family pack and move from the Windsor church of Christ to work and worship with the Waterview church of Christ in Richardson, Texas. Thirteen years later we find ourselves, again, at a point of transition. Words fail me to express how much the brothers and sisters at Waterview have meant to my family and me. telephone

Few know that in the late spring of 2002, Jim Stigers called my father-in-law, Jim Knight for the sole purpose of finding a small congregation where the Waterview youth group might go to conduct a VBS. Their original plans had been to go to Nebraska, but due to some complications, the youth was without a mission point for the summer of 2002. My father-in-law, one of the leaders at the small, Colorado congregation, was glad to visit with his old high school friend and welcome the group to Colorado. Jim Stigers, one of the Waterview elders, read the following announcement, and perhaps there was no one was better suited to do so.

The following was announced on Sunday, July 24th:

“The future of Waterview church of Christ is bright! Jason Moon has just completed his first full year as the pulpit minister. Robert Oglesby, Robert Taylor, Warren Shepherd and Dustin Jones have forged a team that not only has welcomed Jason, but now Greg Parks into the ministerial service at Waterview. They work with the elders and deacons to set goals and objectives that reach heavenward…literally. Only the Lord knows how many families will continue to be blessed by Waterview church of Christ as they serve, grow and mature in Christ.

For the past 13 years, the Bruce family has been a part of the fabric of love and devotion, courage and faithfulness established by decades of faithful elders and solid preaching found here. In January 2015, Myron stepped away from full-time ministry but continued, on a part-time basis, striving to lead our hearts and minds toward a clearer, more focused worship to God. That has been and always will be his mission. But this morning, we need to inform you that the Bruce’s have announced that they will be moving from Plano and the Waterview church of Christ to live in Wichita Falls. He will continue to lead our Sunday morning song service until August 14th, but then will be making the transition to Faith Village in Wichita Falls where they will continue to work and worship.

16“In the spring of 2003, Vicki and I, with our three children (Logan…9, Emili…8 and Dillon…5) began a journey from the comfort of Colorado and the Windsor church of Christ, to the Dallas metro-plex joining Waterview as the Congregational Life Minister. We didn’t really know anyone, but over the years, have grown to love everyone. Now thirteen years later, we can’t begin to “Count Our Many Blessings.” The joy of raising our family to serve and worship God with this body of believers makes this day very difficult. To us, you are more than just a member at Waterview. You are, and forever will be, our brothers and sisters in Christ!  

These next few weeks we will be packing up boxes and take pictures off the walls. But more importantly, we’ll be storing up the memories and reflecting on the years God has given us with you. Raising our children in the shadow of this congregation is something we will never forget! With a common love, we have grown close to each of you!

The old hymn writer said it best, “When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain; but we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.” However, God’s word expresses our deepest emotions. In Numbers chapter 6, God spoke to Moses telling him to instruct his brother, Aaron, with the following: “Thus, you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: ‘The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace!’.”

We love you and thank you for blessing our life!”

Hands Full of Clay…May 3rd

Have you ever watched a child with a fresh ball of Play-Doh? They’ll squish it in their fingers, roll it into logs and pat it into pancakes. For hours they’ll create shapes and mold images from play-doh 2their imagination. Perhaps it’s no wonder that we are creative from such an early age since we’ve been molded by our Creator. Shaped and made in His image (Genesis 1:26).

And for the believer, it’s not hard to see that we are nothing more than clay. Isaiah helps us see that clearly as we read from the 64th chapter; “But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are our potter; and all of us are the work of Your hand.” Still, we must realize the difference between a child and our God. Our heavenly Father isn’t just playing with Play-Doh! Though He has molded His creation in His own image, we will ultimately choose our own shape. God is the Potter, but we are the ones who have “hands full of clay.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 3, 2015

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Higher Ground” – no book

We recognize this old favorite, but there’s another way of singing the same words and the same notes. If you’ve never heard Ken Young’s version of this old time favorite, I hope you’ll enjoy it. Waterview, let’s begin our worship service with this hymn, singing with full volume! Together, we sing (and pray), “Lord lift me up and let me stand, by faith, on heaven’s tableland.”

“Have Thine Own Way Lord” – 552

An old spiritual song that speaks the message of this morning’s lesson…“Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou art (YOU are) the Potter, I am the clay…” But how receptive will we be to the molding process? We might continue to sing, but will we continue to do? “Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still.” We must be willing and we must be still if we are to be molded like the Lord desires.

how deep the father's love


“How Deep the Father’s Love” – no book

A contemporary song that poetically walks us through the hours of Christ crucifixion. From the time ‘the Father turns His face away’ (Matt. 27:46), to the final words of Jesus, ‘I know that it is finished.’ (John 19:30)  Would that we find the power of the message as we sing the truth…‘His wounds have paid my ransom.’

“Nearer My God to Thee” – 684

Just singing the first verse after the Lord’s Supper we remember ‘His will’ is found in Him. “Nearer my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee! E’en tho it be a cross (trials) that raiseth me…(Translated: Even though I will go through difficult times…) Still all my song shall be, Nearer my God to Thee. Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee.” (…I still want to be near God) And the nearer we are to God, the easier it’ll be to mold the clay.


“Let Him Have His Way with Thee” – no book

You and I have a choice as to how we’ll live this life. We can follow God or we can follow the world. So how can we sing this old spiritual song about ‘letting Him have His way?’ If it’s ‘my way or the highway’ what role does God have to play? To start, notice the message of the song is a question, “Would you live for Jesus…would you walk with Him…would you let Him bear your burden…” There are actually 9 questions asked in this short, three verse song. If you answer ‘yes,’ then…”Let Him have His way with Thee.” But why? Because, “His power can make you what you ought (if you’ve been purchased by the blood of Christ, you ought is translated ‘you are obligated’) to be. His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free. His love can fill your soul, and you will see (that) it was best to let Him has His way with thee.”

“Take My Life” – 664

As our invitation song, you’ll find the sacrifice we make hits all levels.  Verse one begins with 1) my life and 2) my days (even moments). Verse two includes 3) my hands and 4) my feet. Verse three adds 5) my voice and 6) my lips. If it wasn’t already personal enough, verse four adds 7) my money (silver and my gold) and 8) my intelligence. And to top off this list of what is included from our life…9) my love and 10) myself. Giving those things to God is placing ourselves in the Potter’s hand!Potters hands


“Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” – 679

Fully trusting in God is sweet! Not like sugar, or the acceptable ‘sweet!’ The proper definition for this is cherished…What a cherished life we live when we trust in Jesus. But to have that ‘sweetness,’ we need to follow verse three; “Yes, it is sweet (cherished) to trust in Jesus, just from sin and self to cease…” That is how we truly give over to the Potter, molding our lives with hands full of clay.

Mary’s Song…Luke 1

Do we realize how powerful our words can be? We hear the saying a lot, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…” But in all honesty, that is not true, and I speak from experience. The words that we speak on a daily basis can either bring someone’s spirit up or down. Even the experiences that we have and participate in can have a positive or negative effect on our attitudes and actions. In Luke 1, we read the account of when the angel of God came to Mary and told her that she would bear God’s Son. Most of the time we focus on her final reply, “Behold, I am a bond slave of the Lord; may it be done to me Mary's songaccording to your word.” If we put ourselves in that situation, in Mary’s position, would we respond the same? As we read the chapter, we see that Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was six months pregnant at the time. Shortly after arriving and receiving blessings from her cousin, she begins to pour out her heart to the Lord about her situation. What she says, or sings, in this passage is known to many as Mary’s song or in some circles today it is known as Magnificat.

When I was asked to write my thoughts about this song, I had no idea how I was going to begin. To start, I talked with my roommate about the different aspects and approaches that I could use. As a student at Freed-Hardeman University, and a member of the Chorale, I decided to ask some of my peers their perspective of this hymn. Breaking it down verse by verse, I asked them about a few questions;
1) what thoughts ‘spoke’ to them in the verses,
2) on a personal level, how are they affected by the song, and
3) how could this hymn affect them in their own spiritual life.
Here are a few of their responses…

Soprano: “My soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, my soul magnifies the Lord, my soul rejoices in God!”
– “This part makes me feel like it is my soul magnifying. It feels like there is a deeper part of my being that is being pulled out of me…It’s almost like it is out of my conscience self.” -Leila M.
– “It’s VERY powerful, and it is a simple message that our souls cannot help but rejoice for God being just what he is…” Caleb. H

Bass: “Glory be to God the Father, and Glory be to God the Son, Glory be to God the Spirit, Glory be to God.”
– “My dad sings this part, the bass, of the song so I hear him sing it a lot in church… It is the simple glorification that sets the basic tone for the song as a whole. The other themes in the song are based off this verse… “Glory be to God…” Unfortunately, we don’t have Mary’s perspective, but we can take it as surrendering our all to God on a daily basis…” – David. C

Alto: “He has been mindful of his servant, He has been mindful of me, I will be blessed forever, forever, I will be blessed by the Lord.”
– “No matter how much we sin, the Godhead (The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit), will still receive us (bless us) forever…FOREVER!” -Michal V.
– “This verse I think represents her praises to the Lord for finding favor in her and for giving her the great gift of bearing the Son of God. I personally feel most connected to this verse because Mary is rejoicing in the great news of the Son and now we can too. God really was watching out for us when He gave us Jesus, knowing that we would all die in our sin without Him. It is because we have Jesus we will be blessed forever and ever by our Lord. This is a song of praise, it is a song we use to show God how we feel about His glory, might, and his indescribable gift.” (2 Cor. 9:15) -Zack G.

Tenor: “God alone is mighty, mighty, our God alone has done great things, God alone is worthy, worthy, Holy is His name!”
– “When I think of these phrases, I see/think of God looking down from Heaven and the clouds rolling… And I think, ‘He has the power to do whatever He wants, and He can do, He has done, such wonderful things. He deserves to be praised and worshiped.’” -Mikayla T.
– “It is a description of His power, and He doesn’t need anyone with Him to help Him to be able to display it. I imagine that I will not have the same emotion as Mary, but when I have children I consider that a blessing. When we aren’t planning on it, God will allow something extraordinary and impossible to happen in our lives and we need to not just be prepared for that time. We need to be watching for it as well, just like Mary.” -June W.
– “‘God alone is mighty,’ this really speaks to me because He is the only one who is mighty… He created the world and we cannot really compare anything to Him. I think that we as Christians could be less prideful because we are not as good as we think we are, and God is and always will be better than we are or ever will be.” -Kyllian M.

As I was listening to my friends’ responses, I couldn’t help but be impressed with the thoughts and ideas they were sharing. Listening to this song I typically follow the alto line, but as I sat and listened to it recently, it made me realize something. Through every trial, tribulation, grief or joy our God blesses ME! That hit me like lightening. It dawned on me that no matter what I do or how far I stray, as a baptized believer in God’s church I will always be on my Father’s mind and He will always care for me. Not only does He care for me He cares about all Emili...sophomore yearof His children and He will bless us as long as we honor, worship, follow and praise Him.

Thanks to my daughter Emili for her time and energy in pulling these thoughts together. May our soul indeed, “Magnify the Lord!”

Can a Christian Be a Thinking Person?…Oct. 19th

It was written in 1929 by Ernest Hemingway in the novel, A Farewell to Arms. A simple sentence that haunts mankind, “All thinking men are atheists.” The secular world would have you believe that faith in God is weakness and scientific ignorance.  Thinking mind

In a world that speaks with disdain toward God and elation toward self, what is a Christian to do? What can we say that will convince the ‘un-churched’ to reconsider their path of ungodliness? When we profess our belief in “…God created…”, the world dismisses this as ancient myth. But we believe in an intellectually superior God who shaped and formed the earth. Remember what Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, “They (unbelievers) are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of the hearts.”

Waterview welcomes Dr. Phil Thompson of Harding University on Sunday, October 19th. He will be presenting two classes and two lessons designed to answer the question, “Can thinking people believe?”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Oct. 19, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” – 162psalm 148

Built into a medley with “Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah,” we’ll begin our worship together with these songs of praise. “All hail the power of Jesus’ name let angels prostrate fall! Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all…” Is Christ the Lord of your life? You make that decision, though your decision has no bearing on His royalty. He reigns! We will either follow Him or we will not. A foolish, deceived world will not, but rest assured, He is Lord of All!

“Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah” – 3

Taken from the 148th Psalm we’ll sing the scripture in this ‘psalm.’ Have you read it lately? If not, after we sing it you really should read it! His divine power is reinforced in His creation, everything praises Him. The question is…will you?

“We Saw Thee Not” – 342

Before the Lord’s Supper we’ll sing the first three verses remembering Christ’s death. Perhaps the power comes in the conclusion of each of these verses as we sing (twice for emphasis), “But we believe…”

“My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” – 582

Not an overly familiar song, but one which we need to understand and daily echo the chorus, “I need no other argument, I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus died and rose again for me.” Do you have the faith to be able to not only sing these word, but believe them and live your life accordingly?

“O Listen to the Wondrous Story” – 496

Before our lesson we’ll sing this popular spiritual song written more than 100 years ago. The third verse is a great question to the listener as we sing, “Will you surrender to this Savior? To His scepter humbly bow? You, too, shall come to know His favor, He will save you, save you now.” Then the chorus resounds with a question and answer, “Who saved us from eternal loss! Who but God’s Son upon the cross? What did He do? He died for you! Where is He now? Believe it thou, In heaven interceding!”

“Trust and Obey” – 915

“When we walk with the Lord in the light of His world, what a glory He sheds on our way…” You most likely know this song by heart having sung it for years. But often we are familiar with the first, second and last verses and have never fully learned the third verse. But this morning consider a line from this song which has implications on today’s lesson. “But we never can prove the delights of His love until all on the altar we lay; for the favor He shows, and the joy He bestows, are for those who will trust and obey.” So where are you in regard to laying your all on the altar. Or are you still trying to see if you can prove the delights of His love?

“Love Lifted Me” – 453

A rousing song as we part this morning. We will sing over and over the message of the chorus, “Love lifted me…” Do you find that living for Christ lifts your spirits? The child of God understands this ‘lift’ and finds comfort in his belief in a Savior. Though the world may think us to be ignorant or backward, we know where to look when we’re ‘sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore…’ Let’s not keep this story of salvation to ourselves. There is a dying world out there who desperately needs a Savior.


Life on the Battlefield…Oct. 12th

A soldier’s job is defined by struggle. When conflicts arise, these men and women battlefieldput to practice all their training. A soldier, by definition, fights. Even in peace time, he is preparing himself for the inevitable battle. But what causes some in the heat of the battle to fight and die on the battlefield, while others will literally drop their weapons, strip off their uniform and run? Why do some stand with their fellow soldiers, supporting each other, while others don’t?

Understanding God’s word, the Christian realizes there is a daily struggle (Ephesians 5:10-17) in this life. We are in a battle against the wrong for the right. But the question remains, will we stay loyal or turn and run when the fight becomes fierce? Will we stand for what is right or crumble without a fight? Reader, know this…without a moral compass, without a ‘standard operating procedure,’ you will be left to guess and hope. Millions are trying to manage life, on their own. And yet Christians know the adversary is ‘on the prowl’ (I Peter 5), and without God’s word, we are ill-prepared. Rest assured, the devil, our adversary, is not waiting for us to step into battle, for this life is a battle. To be clear, we’re living life on the battlefield!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Oct. 12, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Doxology” – 66

Opening our worship this morning we’ll sing a basic hymn from years gone by. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…” Before we even think about fighting the battles in life, we must draw strength from the One who gives us hope for our battles. Let’s praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

“The Glory-Land Way” – 535

Keeping the same key signature (musically), we’ll transition to another old favorite that echos the journey we’ve all chosen to take. A journey home to glory. Encouraging each other will give us added support for our individual battles. When we hear our family singing, “…heaven is nearer, and the way groweth (grows) clearer…” we find strength to keep on fighting for the goal.

“In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came” – 504crown of thorns

Focus on the third verse of this song as we consider our purpose in life on the battlefield, ‘”His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn. When from my guilt and grief forlorn, in love He lifted me…” We are in battle, and there will be days we feel like we’re losing. After all, Christ was abused, beaten, mocked, disdained and killed on the cross. But never forget that He conquered death in His resurrection! So what does that mean me? In our daily battles, standing up for what is right and living with Christ as our guide..we have already won!

“Spirit of the Living God” – 422

A short, contemporary hymn that has a very interesting progression for the Christian. If we are to be the soldiers God calls us to be, there is a process we should consider. To be useful in battle we need to be melted down, and molded into what He wants us to be. Then we must be filled with His word and used for His glory. We sing, “Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me…melt me, mold me, fill me, use me…” A soldier fights for His commander and chief. We must answer the question, on the battlefields of life, who do we fight for?

“Christ Above Me” – no book

This hymn will likely be new to most, but the message is one we must learn and hold dear in our hearts. As a soldier of God, how do we visualize Christ in our life? Is He a Kevlar vest we put on for battle? Is His word a sword we pick up when we ‘go into a fight?’ Sing this song and follow the words as we recall how Christ is more than just part of our life…He IS our life. “Christ above me, Christ beside me, Christ within me ever guiding. Christ behind me, Christ before. Christ my love, my life, my Lord!”

“Faith is the Victory” – 469

Where are we ‘camping’ in this life? Is it on the battlefield, or do we prefer the ‘hills of light’ where there is peace and comfort. This old hymn, which you’ve sung for years, is a reminder that there is a war being fought for the soul of mankind. An obscure verse, which we’ll sing on Sunday, reminds us of the battle and how we should prepare for it. “On every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array (they can look pretty intimidating), let tents of ease be left behind and onward to the fray (the battle). Salvation’s helmet on each head, and truth all girt about (Ephesians 5), the earth shall tremble ‘neath our tread, and echo with our shout…Faith is the victory!”

“I Am Resolved” – 948Bible

Our invitation is a confirmation of our resolve in this battle, I’ll never quit! However, though most of us will sing that resolve, many will lay their weapons down when the fighting gets fierce. To stay faithful to Him, we have to remember what we sing in the chorus, “I will hasten (hurry) to Him.”

“To Christ Be True” – 736

What better way to finish off a lesson on life in the battlefield than to sing of our faithfulness to the battle. Soldiers must demonstrate loyalty in times of peace as well as times of battle. Just remember, “…To Christ, the Lord, be true and He will go with you. And help you through all your conflicts, to Christ the Lord be true!”