A Time of Transitions

In the summer of 2002 more than 30 high school freshman and sophomores along with several adult sponsors from Texas came to Colorado to conduct a Vacation Bible School. Though we didn’t know it at the time, that was the beginning of a relationship that would last for the rest of our lives. When the group came back the following year, the summer of 2003, they helped our family pack and move from the Windsor church of Christ to work and worship with the Waterview church of Christ in Richardson, Texas. Thirteen years later we find ourselves, again, at a point of transition. Words fail me to express how much the brothers and sisters at Waterview have meant to my family and me. telephone

Few know that in the late spring of 2002, Jim Stigers called my father-in-law, Jim Knight for the sole purpose of finding a small congregation where the Waterview youth group might go to conduct a VBS. Their original plans had been to go to Nebraska, but due to some complications, the youth was without a mission point for the summer of 2002. My father-in-law, one of the leaders at the small, Colorado congregation, was glad to visit with his old high school friend and welcome the group to Colorado. Jim Stigers, one of the Waterview elders, read the following announcement, and perhaps there was no one was better suited to do so.

The following was announced on Sunday, July 24th:

“The future of Waterview church of Christ is bright! Jason Moon has just completed his first full year as the pulpit minister. Robert Oglesby, Robert Taylor, Warren Shepherd and Dustin Jones have forged a team that not only has welcomed Jason, but now Greg Parks into the ministerial service at Waterview. They work with the elders and deacons to set goals and objectives that reach heavenward…literally. Only the Lord knows how many families will continue to be blessed by Waterview church of Christ as they serve, grow and mature in Christ.

For the past 13 years, the Bruce family has been a part of the fabric of love and devotion, courage and faithfulness established by decades of faithful elders and solid preaching found here. In January 2015, Myron stepped away from full-time ministry but continued, on a part-time basis, striving to lead our hearts and minds toward a clearer, more focused worship to God. That has been and always will be his mission. But this morning, we need to inform you that the Bruce’s have announced that they will be moving from Plano and the Waterview church of Christ to live in Wichita Falls. He will continue to lead our Sunday morning song service until August 14th, but then will be making the transition to Faith Village in Wichita Falls where they will continue to work and worship.

16“In the spring of 2003, Vicki and I, with our three children (Logan…9, Emili…8 and Dillon…5) began a journey from the comfort of Colorado and the Windsor church of Christ, to the Dallas metro-plex joining Waterview as the Congregational Life Minister. We didn’t really know anyone, but over the years, have grown to love everyone. Now thirteen years later, we can’t begin to “Count Our Many Blessings.” The joy of raising our family to serve and worship God with this body of believers makes this day very difficult. To us, you are more than just a member at Waterview. You are, and forever will be, our brothers and sisters in Christ!  

These next few weeks we will be packing up boxes and take pictures off the walls. But more importantly, we’ll be storing up the memories and reflecting on the years God has given us with you. Raising our children in the shadow of this congregation is something we will never forget! With a common love, we have grown close to each of you!

The old hymn writer said it best, “When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain; but we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.” However, God’s word expresses our deepest emotions. In Numbers chapter 6, God spoke to Moses telling him to instruct his brother, Aaron, with the following: “Thus, you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: ‘The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace!’.”

We love you and thank you for blessing our life!”

2 Replies to “A Time of Transitions”

  1. Thanks Donna…the friendship we share with you and Richard has given us so much strength these past 13 years. We will never forget your love and devotion to the work of the Lord’s kingdom!

  2. We have so many wonderful memories of times spent with you and your family during your time at Waterview. At a transitional time in our lives you gave us the opportunity to be part of the college ministry and many other events were a joy for me to help with as part of the office staff. We will miss seeing you every week and the joy of your song leading … few know the time you spend every week choosing just the right hymns, even down to the right verses, to go along with the sermon topic. We have learned much from you about understanding and paying attention to WHAT we are singing, thank you. Memories abound and will be with us always. We wish you God’s blessings and know Faith Village will be blessed to have you working with them along with your work with Freed. We love you and will miss you.

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