The Start of the Great Commission…Nov. 2nd

If you ask a believer where to find ‘the Great Commission’ they would point you to Matthew chapter 28. But in all actuality the words great commission aren’t found in this passage or any other scripture for that matter. So why do we refer to some of Christ’s last words as a commission, and a great one at that? Or maybe we Great-Commissionshould be asking what is a commission and why is this one great?

The words of Christ found in Matthew 28:18-20 are as follow: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.” The commission from Christ is to GO. The reason this commission is great is because of the mission…making (baptizing) disciples and teaching them about Christ. Sunday morning we’ll look and see how we can be an active part, perhaps even start ‘the Great Commission.’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, November 2, 2014

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Praise Him! Praise Him!” – 300

Opening our time together we’ll give our praise to God! Fulfilling the commission includes teaching, and in teaching we know we come to praise Him…ever in joyful song!

“Come Share the Lord” – 364

This contemporary song is a reminder of why we come together. “We gather here in Jesus name. His love is burning in our hearts like living flame. The One we love the most, is now our gracious host, come take the bread, come drink the wine (the fruit of the vine), come share the Lord…” Are you sharing your love for God? Will you tell others of His saving grace?

“Let the Lower Lights Be Burning” – 642

This older hymn is a strong example of evangelism. Looking toward the sea (of life), we see thousands adrift, and most don’t even realize their lost state. The Lighthouse (Jesus Christ) shines brightly calling for those who are seeking a refuge. We stand at the foot of the Lighthouse as the ‘lower lights’ direct and guide the weary traveler past the ‘treacherous shoal’ toward the light. Perhaps you need to check your light and see how brightly it’s shining. Remember, this is part of the Great Commission, directing those who are seeking.

“Send the Light” – 650

There is calling for all Christians every where to shine their light…albeit their lower light. As we strive to fulfill the commission Christ gave us more than 2000 years ago we have to ask ourselves if we’re really sending the light or if we’re holding it close. If you’re tired and would just as soon someone else do the work, then maybe you should sing the last verse of this song…“Let us not grow weary in the work of love…let us gather Lord-of-Harvestjewels for a crown above…”

“Far and Near” – 784

Our invitation song is one we don’t sing often, but one that explains more clearly the great commission. It finds root in Christ’s words to His disciples in Luke 10, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of harvest to send out laborers in His harvest. So we sing, “Lord of harvest send forth reapers, hear us Lord to Thee we cry. Send them now the sheaves to gather ‘ere the harvest time pass by.”

“The Gospel is for All” – no book

This is one of my favorites as we proclaim the fact that ALL can come to Christ. The blessed gospel is for all! We’ll sing this as we set aside time to give toward the Great Commission Sunday. Our mission work will be our focus this morning!

“Into Our Hands” – no book

Life is passing by quickly. Just take a look in the mirror see how many gray hairs are adorning your crown as opposed to 10 years ago. Or look at the pictures of your children you have hanging on the wall…from 20 years ago. “Swiftly we’re turning life’s daily pages…how are we using God’s golden moments, shall we reap glory…shall we reap tears?” We’ll sing this question, and we know what the answer should be, therefore we sing, “…into our hands the gospel is given, into our hands is given the light.” Fulfilling the great commission means we’re willing and ready to take the message from our hands to the hearts of those who are dying. Get ready and prepare yourself to start the great commission.