Can We Sing Without Thinking?

Clearly singing is an important part of our worship.  However, do we fully grasp the fact that some of our songs might be at odds with God’s word?  Unfortunately there are several songs that we’ll sing on any given Sunday (or Wednesday) that come from a worldly view point we it comes to who God is and what God expects.  When the world influences our songs, it should come as no surprise that we will have songs that contain errors.  Though some of our newer (contemporary) songs are uplifting and inspirational, they can be the furthest from God’s Truth.  I would encourage each of us to test each song and determine Biblical accuracy… otherwise we run the risk of ‘singing without thinking’.

Consider these three questions as you look at hymns; Old & New:

  1. Do I think about WHAT I am singing or do I sing without thinking?

  2. If a song is counter to what I find in God’s word, am I willing to eliminate it from my ‘song selection’ or just accept it as poetic license?

  3. How can I check the integrity of a hymn; whether it’s new or not?

Song leaders…we have an obligation to properly prepare and diligently examine the songs we lead in the Lord’s church.  Stay here and learn more about “Singing with the Spirit and singing with the mind.”  I Corinthians 14:15